FBI: “And here, Scott, is where we mastermind fake kidnapping and assassination plots to make Trump look bad…”
Julie Kelly said the title
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMGgeMJV8s4 In this selection, a bag of potatoes
https://twitter.com/KaputBen/status/1518377896858976256?s=20&t=iGyZUtGcKx9_yS3gbRiYZA How cool is this dog? Fast clip…
https://twitter.com/DannyDeraney/status/1518246382137536514?s=20&t=iGyZUtGcKx9_yS3gbRiYZA More to check out
This Week In Charts Episode 53:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94ma_TGPCLQ Ever find yourself in a predicament you're
Doxxing - is simply releasing personal info