Elon Musk says DEI Is Anti-Semitic And Discriminatory. It’s out of George Orwell’s Book – Whatfinger News' General Dispatch
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HomeBullet Point SummaryElon Musk says DEI Is Anti-Semitic And Discriminatory. It’s out of George Orwell’s Book

Elon Musk says DEI Is Anti-Semitic And Discriminatory. It’s out of George Orwell’s Book

Elon Musk on DEI: “We should always be wary of any name that sounds like it could come out of a George Orwell book…Diversity, Equity, Inclusion – these all sound like nice words but what it really means is discrimination…and it’s against merit.”

  • Elon Musk, Tesla founder and X owner, criticizes diversity-oriented hiring practices, labeling them as “fundamentally antisemitic.”
  • Musk comments after visiting Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp, linking his views to the rise of antisemitism on X and other platforms.
  • He argues that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies amount to discrimination based on race, sex, and sexual orientation, opposing merit-based evaluation.
  • Musk has been vocal against DEI on X, equating it with racism and criticizing its implementation in various sectors like aviation.
  • In an interview with Ben Shapiro at the European Jewish Association Conference, Musk suggests meritocracy as the solution to DEI issues in universities and workplaces.
  • He expresses concern over pro-Hamas rallies and antisemitic incidents in Western cities and universities, citing a significant increase in antisemitism reports by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
  • Musk’s critique of DEI extends to its impact on societal and economic systems, agreeing with views that label it as a form of reverse racism.
  • He emphasizes the importance of skill and performance over identity traits in professional settings, challenging the DEI ideology’s focus on outcome disparities among different racial groups.

There’s more detail at Elon Musk: Diversity-oriented hiring policies are ‘fundamentally antisemitic’ –  or see below for more info and clips

DEI is a Marxist concept used to hide discrimination and racism. 

PBD & Glenn Beck on the DEI Feud Between Elon Musk and Mark Cuban “He believes it’s concerning if more than 10% of new jobs in the U.S. go to white people. 60% of the U.S. is white. That’s what his concern is…He calls himself a libertarian. I’ll give you a libertarian metal detector, there is nothing in his body that will make that thing beep…I think he’s very bright in business. He’s a genius in what he’s done recently with the Mavericks but I think he’s a moron politically.”

“He’s a moron” – Glenn Beck GOES OFF on Mark Cuban over his DEI fight with Elon Musk

  • ‘People will die due to DEI,’ Elon Musk slams FAA policy pushing for aviation industry to hire people with ‘psychiatric’ and ‘severe’ disabilities – Rebel News
  • Elon Musk (& Wei Wu) humiliated Mark Cuban. The debate about DEI was easy for Elon. Mark is not wise enough to know that. Cuban is a smart 1%er but it’s funny to watch him walk into an argument with Musk and see how easy X contributors bitch-slapped him. You two are honor.  Jason O Hawkins Vid is below

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