Feds Find Another Classified Doc Searching Pence’s Home – Whatfinger News' General Dispatch
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Thursday / September 19.
HomeNewsFeds Find Another Classified Doc Searching Pence’s Home

Feds Find Another Classified Doc Searching Pence’s Home

  • Former Vice President Mike Pence’s Indiana home was voluntarily searched by the FBI for five hours, during which an additional classified document was found.
  • Devin O’Malley, a Pence adviser, released a statement that the Department of Justice completed a thorough and unrestricted search and removed one document with classified markings and six additional pages without markings that were not found in the initial review by the vice president’s counsel.
  • Pence has instructed his legal team to continue cooperating with the authorities and to be transparent throughout the investigation.
  • O’Malley noted that the search was consensual, and the team agreed to it.
  • According to a source familiar with the search, the Department of Justice had unrestricted access to Pence’s home, and a member of his legal team was present throughout its duration.
  • The scope of the search included looking for original documents that DOJ believed should have been sent to the National Archives, which could explain the six pages of additional material taken.
  • This latest search was part of an ongoing investigation into the January 6 attack on the Capitol, in which Pence was present.
  • The FBI has been investigating whether any individuals connected to the Capitol attack had access to classified information and documents, which could be used to further their agenda.

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This search was not the first time that the FBI searched Pence’s home. In February, a search warrant was obtained to search electronic devices belonging to his aide, and during that search, a flash drive was discovered containing explicit images of minors.

It is unclear whether the document found during the most recent search is related to the January 6 attack or the previous incident. However, it is another example of how the attack has caused an ongoing investigation into individuals’ connections and the security of classified information.

The search and seizure of classified information are part of a broader effort to prevent national security threats and protect confidential information. The government takes the handling of classified documents seriously, and those who mishandle or intentionally disclose such information can face severe legal consequences.

As the investigation continues, it is crucial for Pence and his legal team to be transparent and cooperate fully with the authorities. The ongoing investigation could reveal crucial information about the attack, its motivations, and its broader implications for national security.

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