Australian Dictatorship: They are even removing people from their homes for Coronavirus – Whatfinger News' General Dispatch
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Tuesday / February 18.
HomeWorld NewsAustralian Dictatorship: They are even removing people from their homes for Coronavirus

Australian Dictatorship: They are even removing people from their homes for Coronavirus

And don’t forget, Coronavirus is designed to test a real dictatorship in the West. Australia is the test model to see how long it is, if at all, until a people break and revolt…  well, here’s the next step announced recently to prove how ridiculous it all is.

Don’t forget the Great reset folks. The Marxists (Democrats in the US) want to destroy or control all small business, make sure everyone is under their iron fist. Science does not matter. The ONLY thing that matters is them telling you what to do and making sure they can keep voter fraud rulesi n place to forever dominate our lives.

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